Spessartite garnet is a gemstone that’s part of the garnet mineral group and is known for its fiery orange color:
ColorSpessartite is orange due to its manganese content, but iron can modify the color to be deeper and more reddish. The most sought-after color is a bold, intense orange without any undertones of red, yellow, or brown.
OriginSpessartite was discovered in the Spessart Mountains of Bavaria, Germany in the 1830s, which is where it gets its name. Today, gem-quality spessartite is also found in Namibia, Tanzania, and Nigeria.
Other namesSpessartite is also known as spessartine, and the bright orange variety is called Mandarin garnet. It’s also sometimes called Fanta garnet because of its brilliant orange color.
PropertiesSpessartite has a Mohs hardness of 6.5–7.5, a vitreous (glassy) luster, and a refractive index of 1.79–1.985. It can be transparent to opaque, and has a conchoidal or subconchoidal fracture.
BeliefsSome believe that spessartite can help with creativity, and that wearing it can spark a sudden burst of creativity.